In the world of marketing, few things are as important as eye catching labels. They can make products instantly stand out, almost making them jump right off the shelf. This is more likely to result in a purchase. One thing you can do to achieve it is choose foil labels. Expert foiling services like ours can give you the perfect results here. Continue reading
Category Archives: Blog Entry
High quality foils you can recycle
Recycling is on the tip of many people’s tongues at the moment. Many consumers and businesses are looking at ways to save resources by reusing existing ones. It is even leading to a change in interior design with more people upcycling older furniture instead of choosing things like new plastic chairs. One thing that can be a great choice is sustainable foils. They have no impact on recycling when you add them to things like greeting cards, packaging, and even car trim. Continue reading
Choose the right film to make sure it sticks
The most crucial thing to keep in mind when it comes to lamination is that films can differ greatly in terms of the adhesive. Some have very strong adhesives to boost the chance of adhesion to tricky substrates. Others have standard adhesive so they are only good for basic projects. Then there are cold films that have none at all. What you need to do is decide which is best for your project. That way you can get the most from your laminating services. Continue reading
Sustainable transfer decorations
Foiling services provide many advantages, which is why people like using them. There are the regular benefits like superior appearances, but there are others that have appeared more recently too. This includes them being an environmentally friendly option if you use recyclable foils. Continue reading
Get your artwork right for the best foil results
Great artwork can make a wonderful impression. That is the case whether it is promotional material, packaging, or even decorative items. One of the most creative things you can do here is combine foil and ink printing. The results can be instantly eye catching. As one of the UK’s leaders when it comes to foiling services, we always recommend it. Plus, we can offer support and advice to help people get the best results. Continue reading
A new process for recycling transfer film residues
Many establishments have sustainability goals they intend to reach by 2030. However, the fact is that KURZ, our partner, is already leading the way with completely innovative solutions. They are ones that promote the environmentally friendly production of sustainable foils. It makes them a global leader. Continue reading
Anti-graffiti films are crucial to businesses
More people today appreciate laminating services and what they can do. This is because their benefits are so widely known now. As one of the UK’s top experts in this field, we can deliver the best solutions for lots of needs. Continue reading
A look at vehicle recycling and sustainability
One of the best options when it comes to decorative materials is recyclable foils. They are fantastic to look at and can have a much smaller impact on the environment than other methods. The key thing here is you can continue to recycle the products you add them to, including card or paper and many plastics. As a result, they save items from going to landfill. Continue reading
Foil stamped cards explained
Like lamination, foiling services can provide you with some lovely looking items. To obtain the full benefits though, you need to work with a team that has plenty of experience. We have been excelling in this area for many years. Thus, we can attend to all your needs with ease. Continue reading
Is foil the most eco-friendly decorating method?
Many of the things you see on a daily basis rely on different decorative methods. Just take a car. It likely has a powder coat finish rather than being raw metal. Inside there are probably plastic pieces of trim with foil coatings to make them look like metals. While the decorating makes the items look better, it is important to think about the impact on the environment. Sustainable foils can be the best option for a number of projects. Continue reading