Workplace branding does matter

With brand building, you must emphasise your purpose and services to the populace. Business owners tend to think that if their services replicate the brand message, the entire label will be covered. The result will be extra degrees of recognition. This can be the case for smaller establishments. But, the idea of workplace branding tends to not get as much attention. You should consider it, as it’s been proven to be effective for higher levels of brand awareness. We want to have a closer look here, then you can come to us for foiling services.

Workplace branding is exactly what the name suggests. You do it by assembling the primary features of your brand. Then, you distribute them around the space, whether it is an office, a shop, or any other workspace. The features mirror every element of your personality and services. This will guarantee that when a current or prospective client comes to you, they will gain a feeling of comprehension and recognition. It will boost your brand, enabling your business to surpass the rest.

Advantages of workplace branding

Foiling servicesThere are advantageous reasons as to why you should use this approach. It can be beneficial for both clients and your team.

With clients, if you have meetings, inviting them to your workplace can create an excellent first impression. This can carry the style of your services. Efficient branding methods can guarantee that your office looks professional. It will do so while you are using elements to make your company recognisable.

With your employees, proper workplace branding can create a feeling of pride among them. You could realise that the way you represent your work area will reflect on how employees represent themselves at work. It will carry your brand further than your offices. If you’d like to use foiling services for your branding, come to us.

Colour scheme

One obvious brand element to introduce to your workplace is the colour scheme. If you have a logo that is dominantly red, hang up prints with red foils around your office. It will connect your space to your branding.

Depending on what industry you are in, you could play around with things and allow some to be abstracted. Or another option would be to can keep everything neutral and showcase illustrations on the wall of your company’s slogan.

You could also transform your work area’s original signage into something new with decorative foils. These can display the personality of your workers. There can be a formal and classic approach, and funky foil fonts.


You can also display things like paintings or glass panels in your office. They reveal your chosen illustrations or logo whilst matching them to the tone of the space. Every work area comes with the capacity to carry branding in either a formal or laid-back way. With the right advice and assistance, you can be sure that the appreciation and recognition levels of your team and office will increase.


With a logo specifically, it is essential to your growth and recognition. Have you realised that you have the means to link it to a brand without requiring text? Instead you can capture it in a simple design. You can etch, embroider, print, or foil it into some or all your office stationery, company vehicle, or clothing. It indicates an ownership that will become your own over time.

We will produce stellar results with foiling services

By using quality equipment and fantastic foils, we produce the best results. Our team isn’t restricted to the standard shades of gold and silver when they are working. You can choose foil with us in a range of colours, patterns, and finishes. No matter what you go for, we can rise to the challenges to ensure the right look for each product.

So, feel free to talk to us if you need our foiling services. They can work well for a variety of branding needs, including items for the workplace and promo materials.