Shine bright with silver foil printing

Recyclable foilsMore people are environmentally conscious these days. As a result, it is necessary to offer them something that won’t harm our environment. Our contribution to staying green is providing recyclable foils. By working with our partners, we have the means to supply these essential materials to customers for various uses.

Silver foil printing is one of the more popular methods out there. It introduces a degree of luxury and elegance to whatever printed material you have. From invitations to business cards, it has the means to make designs stand out so you will create a lasting impression. In this guide, we’ll tell you all you have to know about it. We are going to talk about science and art behind it.

What is silver foil printing?

To start with, let’s talk about what this technique is exactly. It is where you press a thin silver foil layer onto cardstock or paper. You do so using pressure and heat. Usually, you apply foils to particular areas of a design. The result is that you create contrast between the matte background and shiny silver.

As for the types of silver foiling, there are two to discuss.

Hot foil stamping

This is a classic technique that consists of utilising pressure as well as heat to transfer your foil to cardstock or paper. You need the right equipment here to ensure the temperature will be sufficient.

Cold foil transfer

This is a newer practice where you apply special adhesive to your cardstock or paper. Afterwards, you transfer the foil with a printing press. To cure the adhesive, you need a UV light.

Cold foil transfer permits you to make more intricate designs. In addition, it can be more cost efficient for bigger print runs. If you have a preference for recyclable foils, contact our team.

Some FAQs

Let’s finish up by answering some common questions.

Firstly, we will talk about whether you can perform it on any cardstock or paper. You are able to do silver foil printing on most of them. However, it is critical to choose ones that are compatible with it. Some won’t be able to handle the pressure and heat for hot foiling.

As for whether you can combine foil with other decorative methods, you can. It is possible to use it with the likes of digital or letterpress printing. The result will be a design that is striking as well as distinct.

The last question we’ll go over is whether you can utilise silver foil printing for large print runs. You can indeed use the technique for them. You need an experienced provider here though.

Start working with us and use recyclable foils

At Foiling Services, we can help those who need foils for protective or decorative purposes. With the latter you can choose stunning materials so you get the look you want. It could be classic silver and gold or something more modern like metallic colours.

One thing we recommend here is to use recyclable foils because they ensure you stay as green as possible. If you want to learn more about them or how great they look, please get in touch.