Most people don’t hold on to marketing materials for very long. This is true whether it is a flyer, a brochure, or any other kind of hand out. Usually all of these items will end up quickly going in the bin or recycling pile. However, there are things you can try to make people take more notice and hold on to them. Foiling services are a great choice.
Using gold
One thing that always attracts attention is gold. The colour is synonymous with valuable and prestigious items. That is why you see it often on high end products and luxuries.
You can use this reaction and association of value to your benefit. It is relatively easy to add gold foil to marketing materials. In fact you have a choice of processes, including hot stamping and foil printing. Whichever you choose, you can have gold for important letting, designs, patterns, and more.
People will be more apprehensive about throwing your marketing materials away when they see the gold touches. They will see more value in them and pay more attention. In fact, they may hold on to them for far longer than they would other items.
Delicate or bold touches
The great thing about foiling, especially with gold, is you can be creative with your designs. For example, you may want to opt for delicate touches. They can be very elegant and add prestige. Or, you could opt for bolder details that stand out even at a glance. They can be excellent but you must make sure they don’t look garish.
When you are thinking about the designs you should also consider the style of foil. There are different finishes to opt for. Smooth, glossy foils are very popular. But, if you want something more unique you could opt for a brushed finish. These foils have a texture, making them stand out more.
Choose the best foiling services
If you are planning a marketing campaign and want to make it more successful than past ones, gold foil could be a perfect investment. It could improve how people see your brand and even bring more conversions and enquiries.
If you want to learn more about using foil, we would love to help. As you can tell from our name, we are the leading provider of foiling services in the UK. As a result, you can expect high quality and great value for money.