Silver splitting can sometimes be a problem

Obtaining the benefits from foiling services is easy if you have the right people on your side. We have a lot of experience in this industry and have been supporting customers for many years. As a result, we are able to help you in any way you need us to.

With hot foil stamping, silver can sometimes show through the foil’s colour. The most common name for this problem is silver splitting or just splitting. It is highly uncommon in lighter shades. This includes gold. However, it does happen every so often with darker colours.

Why does it happen?

The reason splitting happens at all is because the lacquer coat does not bond to the foil’s aluminium layer. The lacquer coat is what holds the colorant that creates the necessary shade.

To begin with, you may not apply your adhesive coating consistently. If you don’t, specific areas of the foil roll aren’t going to release from the carrier correctly. This shall cause the lacquer coat to remain on the carrier. At the same time, the adhesive and metal coat will be able to transfer. Consequently, silver spots can manifest on your foil stamped image where the lacquer wasn’t able to transfer.

Another reason for it happening

foiling servicesThere is a second reason why splitting can happen too. Sometimes, there can be too tight of a release between the polyester carrier and lacquer. It is possible to have a strong bond between the two. When you have this, you are able to get a splitting between the metallisation and lacquer. This is the result of not enough release agents when you introduce the coat to the foil roll.

Foiling Services is the most trustworthy name in our industry. We are capable of meeting the challenges of all the patterns, shades, and features available. You are free to use our abilities for protective and decorative purposes.

If you would like to ask us any questions, you are welcome to get in touch. We can advise clients about different finishes and how they can get the look they want.