Foil backed plasterboards and damp

The myriad of different uses for foil these days make it incredibly popular. A lot of businesses choose foiling services for the incredible appearance they offer for business cards, brochures, and even clothing. When you use it correctly, this work can make your items stand out from the rest. However, there are also some applications where the foils serve a functional purpose. This can be the case with some plasterboards.

What are they?

These particular plasterboards are the same as normal plasterboard. The only exception is a thin foil layer on the back. What the foil sheet does is function as a vapour barrier. It is there to stop moisture from penetrating through your boards. The aim is to supply a protective layer so it is harder for water to get inside your home’s interior surfaces.

The boards will help with interior damp

Foiling servicesThe topic we want to discuss in more detail in this post is whether foil backed plasterboard can halt damp. The simple answer here is yes, but there are limits and some situations where it won’t.

There are several times where foil backed boards are going to help you. One would be with damp walls that have had repairs. If there has been an issue, the walls might still hold salts and moisture. Introducing a plasterboard with a foil backing into this situation will prevent the moisture from getting through the internal surfaces.

Another situation would be with walls that could be vulnerable to penetrating damp. They can take advantage of a vapour barrier to address the issue. There are roofs too. For those boarding their lofts, foil boards can give you a protective layer against minute levels of moisture entering your roof space.

The last situation would be with single skin walls. Solid walls lacking a cavity can undergo penetrating damp and condensation. Producing a compact cavity with either battens or a stud wall and foil backed boards can produce a vapour barrier. This can give you an additional protective layer. Let us know if you require top tier foiling services.

Situations not appropriate for foil plasterboards

As we said, there are also going to be scenarios where foil boards won’t be appropriate. One thing you should never do is use them to cover up existing damp problems. It could halt the issue from showing for a small amount of time, but it is not a long term answer.

What you must remember here is that a foil backed board will not be a solution for damp. It will simply add a protective layer against moisture. Thus, it will only be effective against small levels of damp. People with a bigger problem should find the exact cause and do some repairs.

Foil backed boards can be a decent way of adding moisture barriers to surfaces in your house. However, they aren’t a solution for damp. It is preferable to use the boards only for preventative reasons. Another option would be using them in tandem with other damp proofing solutions. It should be an extra proactive layer and not the main one.

Work with us when you need foiling services

At Foiling Services, we have years of experience providing world class results to clients. Thanks to the work we have done, including adding foil to an array of card and paper sheet materials, we have earned a reputation for being one of the most trusted names in our industry. Have confidence that we will aim to meet or exceed the highest expectations.

So, if there is anything we can do for you in regards to foiling services, please get in touch.