Consumers really care about sustainability

Businesses are constantly trying to determine what consumers want so they can ensure they provide it. That can be tricky to do though because attitudes can change quickly and trends can come and go. The economic backdrop can also change, forcing people to adapt their lifestyle. One thing that has proven to be important is sustainability. The stats show consumers really do care about it. We want to look at it today, then if you want to choose recyclable foils to make your items more sustainable, we can help you.

The figures

Recyclable foilsThere are plenty of stats out there to show how much people care about sustainability. For example, the Economist reported that a study they did found there had been a 71% increase in searches for sustainable goods online. This was globally, showing people all over the planet are looking to make more conscientious choices.

Research by Accenture found even more interesting stats. An impressive 72% of survey responders said they were actively purchasing more eco friendly products than they did just five years ago. Even more (81%) said they expect to buy more in the next five years.

Another study found that 88% of consumers check the sustainability of a product before making some purchases. Here they may consider important factors such as whether they can recycle the packaging. In addition, 70% would change their buying habits if they found a brand or shop was not sustainable.

What to do?

Businesses need to make the right choices when it comes to sustainability. For example, they should be looking at materials and packaging that is safe to recycle. Recyclable foils can be excellent for a number of needs, including decorations.

It is also a good idea to tell consumers your sustainability story. A growing number of customers do research into what initiatives brands have to ensure they are eco-friendly. They want to know they are buying from businesses that do their bit to be sustainable.

There can actually be impressive rewards here. Focusing on sustainability can save energy and many other resources. These can improve profits for the business while also improving how consumers see them. In the best cases it can bring in new customers who want to deal with eco-conscious brands.

Do you want to use recyclable foils?

At Foiling Services we have a unique understanding of how important sustainability is. We can help clients to create a wide array of products, from point of sale materials to packaging. These are items consumers want to be sustainable. We can provide foils you can use to decorate them without compromising the sustainability. Plus, high quality foil can even have carriers that you are able to recycle.

So, if you want to learn more about investing in recyclable foils, speak to us. We’d be happy to advise you about all the ways you can use them.