Choose the right film to make sure it sticks

Laminating servicesThe most crucial thing to keep in mind when it comes to lamination is that films can differ greatly in terms of the adhesive. Some have very strong adhesives to boost the chance of adhesion to tricky substrates. Others have standard adhesive so they are only good for basic projects. Then there are cold films that have none at all. What you need to do is decide which is best for your project. That way you can get the most from your laminating services.

What we want to do here is look at a few examples of when you should choose specific films to ensure they stick. The last thing you want is to begin a project only to find the adhesion isn’t happening.

Standard paper with light ink

A lot of projects will feature general copier or printing paper. Typically they will only have light ink coverage with things like text and basic illustrations or graphics. The great thing here is the paper is porous and the lightness of the ink means you don’t need much when it comes to laminating. Standard films with basic adhesive are typically enough.

More ink and glossy paper stocks

As you increase the ink coverage you need to look at films with more adhesive. It will ensure the film can still create a good bond with the substrate. You will also need to do this if you are using papers with a gloss finish. Typically you will want professional grade films here. It may be best to choose reliable laminating services.

Coloured cardstock

Also known as construction paper or sugar paper, these materials are harder to laminate. The issue here is they have a higher acidity. What that means is they can resist the adhesive on standard laminates. If you try to use them, you will likely find they won’t stick. Again you will be better with a professional grade film.

Permanent paper

Some projects call for the use of paper that will resist degradation to ensure the materials last a long time. There are materials like this with resistance to water, chemicals, and more. Laminating them can be very tricky though. Generally you will need a film with an aggressive adhesive but with activation at a low temperature. It will be the best way to ensure it sticks.

Oil-based ink

The major issue with these inks is they can take a long time to dry. If you try to laminate while they are still wet it can cause big problems. There is also a risk to the laminating machine. Here you again need a film with a very strong adhesive. It may even be best to choose a nylon film so it can lay flat.

Cold laminating film

There are some projects where you won’t get a good bond no matter how strong the adhesive is. If the material is non-porous such as a vinyl, the film will simply slide off. What you need here is cold laminating film. The adhesive here is self sticking and doesn’t require any heat. So it can work for non-porous materials.

Choose us for unbeatable laminating services

Lamination is a technique we know firsthand can provide exceptional results for lots of situations. That is why it is one of our specialities. We can arrange it for a huge array of products, from packaging and promo materials to composite doors and display stands. Whatever the case, we do everything we can to make the results exceptional. This includes choosing films that will stick properly.

So, if you want to take advantage of some of the best laminating services in the UK, speak to us. We can even give you recommendations for different projects.