Beauty products and foil go hand in hand

Luxury packaging has been a mainstay of the beauty industry for a very long time. High profile brands put a lot of effort into making it memorable and an indication of the value their products offer. It helped them to establish their position and reputation. Smaller brands also use it to build their following. Today people expect to see it with almost every beauty product. Foiling services are pivotal here because they can add embellishments to packaging effectively for an affordable cost.

A sustainable, luxury look

Foiling servicesThe demands from consumers when it comes to packaging for beauty products are quite interesting. They want the luxury look with stylish adornments and designs. However, at the same time they want sustainability. Many consumers move away from brands that don’t have the green credentials they expect.

These demands can make it a little tricky for brands. The goal here is to achieve the luxury look and sustainability without a huge price tag. Foiling services can be the absolute best option. They are cost effective, don’t have an impact on recyclability, and can give people the chance to create eye catching packaging. Plus, the right foils are recyclable too, even the plastic carrier layers.

Global growth

According to a report from 2019, the cosmetics packaging market is expected to grow to be worth $35.7bn by 2024. A major driver here is demand is increasing in emerging countries. They are creating new markets for brands to target.

At the same time there are also fears of oversaturation in the market. It can make it tricky to compete because there are so many options available. That leads to more and more brands having to consider innovative options for their packaging. Again foiling stands out as the best option. So, it is likely to continue to be a very popular choice.

Gold and silver foils are still a mainstay for beauty packaging. Brands love the colours because they convey a sense of value. Whether it is small touches or full coverage of a lipstick tube or concealer lid, customers are drawn to the items. However, these aren’t the only options. There is also the opportunity to choose a wide array of other metallic colours, pigments, and even holographic foil. Brands can select any combination here, using screen printing or colour spray coatings and hot foil stamping to get a beautiful finish.

Choose the very best foiling services

As you can see, beauty packaging and foil are the perfect combination. The crucial thing to maximising the value the foils offer is to ensure they are applied properly. Whether it is a logo, graphics, or more, the application must be as accurate as possible with no issues like bubbles or jagged edges. What you need to do is choose a professional service.

Foiling Services is a leading expert in this area. We have access to outstanding foils from leading brands like Kurz. These materials are sustainable and much better for the environment than other options. At the same time, they look stunning. So, speak to us if you want to choose a service.