Why is gold foil still so popular for labels?

In the world of marketing, few things are as important as eye catching labels. They can make products instantly stand out, almost making them jump right off the shelf. This is more likely to result in a purchase. One thing you can do to achieve it is choose foil labels. Expert foiling services like ours can give you the perfect results here.

The value of gold

Foiling servicesIf you look at any shelf in a shop you will likely find at least one label with gold foil. It is a mainstay when you look at decorative finishes. This is because the colour still gives people a sense of value and prestige. That is the case even if it is only small touches on the logo or graphics on a label.

The most interesting thing here is how the gold can change a buyer’s perception. A buyer may see a standard label and ignore it, especially if the rest of the packaging doesn’t stand out. However, a little gold foil that can catch the light and enhance the artwork can make all the difference.

Leading on from this, the foil label also makes the product or brand more memorable. It can mean next time they are shopping they scan the shelves and head straight for the product with the shiny gold touches.

It is quite impressive that gold is still so popular. Initially foils were only available in golds and silvers, limiting choice. However, improvements mean today there are hundreds of options. You can likely find a foil in almost any colour, from red to blue and beyond. There are even special options like holographic. However, lots of people still come back to gold.

How to use it effectively?

By far the best thing about foiling services is you can use them in many different ways. For example, you could foil little details on the label such as the logo or a crucial bit of text. Or, you can add it to the whole surface. The choice is yours.

With gold specifically there are some really great things you can try. It tends to look best if you use it alongside light and bright colours. That will really make it pop. It does still work with darker colours, but that can sometimes have an impact on the brilliance and shine. Although, it does look excellent with a black background.

Another thing to remember is you can apply ink over the metallic finish in some situations. It works to highlight it, seemingly changing the colour.

Speak to us about foiling services

There are lots of markets where foil labels can make a great impression. For example, it could be food and beverages, health and beauty, or even lifestyle products. In any case, gold foils can enhance the brands and products.

If you want to try this out for yourself, whether it is a small batch of labels or a big run, choose reliable foiling services. They are the best way to get maximum value for money and quality finishes. You can contact us today to find out more.