When is holographic lamination the best choice?

The decorative uses for laminating services are really broad. You can use laminates to add colour and patterns to a huge array of materials. With expert lamination you can make marketing products as well as other items more interesting. This can ensure they stand out and impress the end user.

Laminating servicesOne of the best things about laminate is you can choose from lots of different types of film. They can be a single colour, ranging from bright, glossy colours that really pop to softer matte shades. You can even opt for classics like gold, silver, and rose. Or, you can select a natural look like wood grain, metal, or stone. However, if you really want the item to stand out, you might want to choose a holographic film. They can go one step further than any other type of laminate.


The greatest thing about the holographic laminate is it can feature lots of different patterns. They can add more style to a product than you could achieve by using block colours. If the aim is to make the item really jump out, this could be the perfect solution. You can see how useful it is in the fact that it is used by manufacturers already on everything from brochures to packaging, book covers to postcards. Professional laminating services are very popular.

Design ideas

You can be really creative with these laminates. While the patterns themselves can stand out, laminating over a dark material can highlight them even more. The darker background can create a wonderful contrast. You can even use this with specific types of dark print.

It is also very easy to cut the laminates to suit any kind of size or shape. That means there really are no limitations on what you can add it to.


While the main aim with holographic film is to make an item stand out, it will also offer protection. Like all films they will be waterproof and protect against everything from grease to creases. This means you can get the best of both worlds – a better look and items that will last longer.

Choose our laminating services to add holographic film

We are proud to be one of the UK’s top names for lamination. Our services are always first rate and we love taking on new challenges for our clients. Whatever you need, we will work to find the best solution.

So, if you are thinking about laminating services for any reason, from marketing to creating signage, we can help. Contact us to talk with a professional about your needs or browse our website for more information.