The history behind reflective foil insulation

You can do all kinds of amazing things to make your marketing materials stand out. Foiling services are among the best, and have become more sought after than ever before. We are happy to provide them. In fact, because we are a team that has worked in this field for years, we can offer world class results every time.

Not everyone understands foil insulation

Foiling servicesWhile it is not something we produce, we can always appreciate unique uses for foils. Foil insulation is a great example and shows why the material is so dynamic. If you would like to know more about this topic, please read on.

The thing to keep in mind here is that reflective foil insulation is both efficient and simple to use. It is not a modern material or idea though. In fact, it has been around for 1000s of years, and has gone by many names. Examples include space blanket, multi foil, and radiant barrier.

No matter the name, reflective insulation typically refers to items with a substrate and foil backing one side or both of them. The reflective facing tends to be an extremely thin layer of aluminium. This is where the name reflective foil insulation comes from.

Initial uses

Amazingly, the first people to use reflective insulation were ancient civilisations. Evidence exists that tell us the Egyptians and other cultures would use polished metals. They did so in an effort to reflect heat and light out of their homes to help cool them. While they were not using foils, the basic idea is the same.

Modern applications

In terms of more modern uses, there is a lot to explore. The traditional mass-insulation industry has spent millions on educating and marketing consumers on the requirement for U-value and R-value. This is in addition to lobbying the government to alter building regulations so that they demand larger R-values.

In the 2010s, experimenting with the use of reflective insulation began on a wider scale. This came with the support and confidence of engineers and architects. Word about the advantages quickly spread. In response, more laboratories did research and studies on them. Popularity grew and more industries took to adopting foil insulation.

Today, you can find foil insulation technology being used on hundreds of everyday objects. One of the more iconic applications has to be the ‘space blankets’ that rescue crews use. Organisers at festivals, marathons, and exterior events also understand the effectiveness of this reflective foil.

We will meet your requirements for foiling services

At Foiling Services, we constantly strive to meet and exceed even the highest expectations. You might need our help to create a foil style or you could already have one in mind. Whatever the case, we will work with you to meet your goals.

So, if you wish to use our foiling services, you can call or email us anytime. We can apply foil to lots of different substrates to achieve all kinds of looks.