The aluminium foil recycling process

It is true that the art of foiling can be a very complex one. As long as you understand what you are doing though, you can succeed. We have been offering stellar services for many years. Our team has been able to satisfy countless clients, making their items stand out from the rest. Additionally, we have taken a more environmentally friendly approach by utilising recyclable foils where we can.

A yes and no answer

Recyclable foilsMany people ask whether aluminium foil is recyclable. The answer is yes and no. It is possible to recycle “clean” foils. But, things get complicated when there is food residue and other contaminants. In this post, we intend to teach you more.

The recycling of aluminium cans has become one of the most successful elements of the circular economy. An estimated 75% of all aluminium that’s produced in America still gets used today. Much of this boils down to the services that pay people to return the cans.

However, numerous individuals don’t realise how recyclable foils are. The foil is completely safe to recycle if there is no contamination from food waste. Chances are that your material will have some residue on it. But, you could just wash it to guarantee it goes into the circular economy.

Aluminium is indefinitely recyclable

We’ve already briefly talked about the recycling of aluminium cans. The best thing about this material is that you can recycle it indefinitely. It does not degrade. So, industries can create new items as long as we keep providing our waste.

Unlike cans though, aluminium foil’s recycling process is a tad different. Let’s go over what you must do.

Firstly, you should examine the foil for food contamination. After you’re done using your foil, shake off the crumbs and put other food in the bin. Next, rinse the foils to remove grease and other things. It is critical that they remain free of food contaminants because it can cause massive complications during the recycling operation.

You could have foil that is heavily soiled with cheese or baked-in grease you can’t remove easily. If so, it will have to go into the rubbish. Remember that you should plan ahead whilst using aluminium foils in food preparation.

Separate the foil from other materials

Next, you should separate the foil completely from other materials going into the recycling container. Doing this makes it far simpler for sorting in recycling plants. It is a simple step that enhances the chances of foils getting another life.

Let us explain why this is important. Let’s say you have mixed packaging that you can’t separate easily. All the materials here will be classified as contaminated. Consequently, the pre-sorting at the recycling facility will put the material out. From there, it will probably go to a landfill. When purchasing food, keep this in mind. Check whether the packaging is both recyclable and simple to separate.

Finally, you will want to crumple the foil up and place it in the blue “recycling” container. At first, this may seem unnecessary, but it is essential. You might just throw the sheets of foil into your recycling bin. When this happens though, they often get tangled up with other rubbish. This may end up contaminating it.

There is another step as well. Ensure that your normal kerb side recycling program takes aluminium foil. This doesn’t always happen, meaning it could go to a landfill.

Come to us for services that use recyclable foils

At Foiling Services, we understand that businesses want to have access to sustainable options. To this end, we’ve partnered up with respected foil manufacturers to bring you high quality foils that are recyclable. You may need these products for decorative or protective purposes. Whatever the case, they will serve you well.

So, give us a call if you want to decorate anything with recyclable foils. They are best for the environment and achieving your green goals.