Some best practices with hot transfer foils

Foiling servicesWhether it is wedding invites, promotional brochures, or even t-shirts, it is great to be creative with the designs. Hot transfer foils are a spectacular option here. They can add extra special decorative touches to all of these and much more. This kind of option is more accessible today than ever before too because of the excellent devices you can use at home. But, if you want great results, choose foiling services.

Whether you go for professional foiling or DIY, it is important to keep best practice in mind. The following are some of the things you will want to think about.

Smooth substrates

The most important thing here is to ensure you are working with a smooth substrate. This is crucial whether it is card or paper, or even fabric. The thing to keep in mind is the smoother the material, the better the finish. If it is rough, it can affect the adhesion and the foil may not sit nicely.

The lustre

One of the most amazing things you can get with hot transfer foils is a high lustre metallic finish. It can be almost mirror-like and reflective. However, you can actually have a good level of control over it. You can apply the foil normally to get the full effect. Or, you can use a cover sheet to reduce lustre and get a different look.

Be creative

Foiling today is so far beyond what it was in the past it is almost an entirely different prospect. For starters you have the freedom to choose from a huge range of foils. They can be classic gold and silver or all kinds of metallic colours like red or green.

In addition, you can be more creative with the designs themselves. You could have small logos, text, or even larger patterns with multiple colours. It is also possible to mix media and print on foils.

Talk to us if you want foiling services

You can see our area of expertise just by looking at the name of our company. We can provide decorative foiling for a huge array of needs. Clients can come to us with all kinds of creative ideas and we will do all we can to produce the best results for them. As part of this we can offer advice on the foils to use and how to apply them to get the best results. We can even advise if the substrate will cause any issues.

So, if you are thinking about foiling services for any kind of promotional products, we would love to help you. Simply get in touch today to tell us more about what you want to achieve.