Is hot foil stamping for coffee packaging sustainable?

Foiling is similar to laminating. You can obtain spectacular results when you make the right moves. When done improperly though, the opposite can happen. Our team is here to ensure this does not happen. We use our years of experience and the best resources. Also, to help the environment, we supply recyclable foils. We do so by partnering with the most respectable companies.

Roasters need to make their goods stand out

Recyclable foilsMore players are coming to the speciality coffee industry each day. As such, roasters need to find solutions for making their offerings stand out. Ultimately, it’ll be the design of your coffee box or bag that will catch the attention of everyone. Furthermore, it provides a first-hand impression of your brand.

Naturally sourced packaging materials for example might show a brand cares for the environment. Moreover, introducing an innovative design technique can aid consumers in viewing your brand as more luxurious. Said techniques can include hot foil stamping. But, you need to ask yourself something; will the practice affect the sustainability and durability of coffee packaging. Let’s discuss things in detail here.

What is hot foil stamping?

We’ll start by briefly talking about what this technique is. The stamping is where you use metallic foil to customise packaging materials. It is frequently employed for accentuating certain design elements, such as wording, holograms, and logos.

When using hot foil stamping with coffee packaging, a heated die forces the foil against the substrate. This has support via a counter plate. The pressure, in addition to the activation of the external adhesive layer, attaches foil to your packaging material. It is further aided as the foil’s release layer melts. Talk to us if you need help with recyclable foils.


Hot stamping coffee packaging can introduce greater customer appeal to brands. This specific style of label is frequently linked to more premium goods. What it does is reinforce the value of products to consumers. Something like this is advantageous when pricing items. The foil can generate a more professional impression of brands. Also, it can make brand images immediately recognisable to the public. What that does is encourage repeat sales and increase brand awareness.

To give an example, Roastworks is a speciality coffee roaster that has utilised hot stamping onto its coffee bags. Using a clear font and coil foil lettering on a plain black side gusset pouch enhances the brand’s packaging.

Another fact about the brand is that it added a custom-printed coffee bag sleeve to its Curious and Classic offerings. This extra touch, with a personalised font, guarantees the product satisfies customers. These are ones who prefer more unique products.

The influence on coffee packaging recycling

To end with, we will talk about whether hot foil stamping will influence the recycling of packaging. For many reasons, people consider it to be an environmentally friendly procedure. One reason is that it is dry and solvent free, and it uses a minimal amount of energy.

Board and paper packaging substances that have been stamped are recyclable. Foil does not have any visible effects in slowing the biodegradability of the materials either.

Lastly, the foil is so thin that it will probably dissipate in the repulping operation. What this does is guarantee that you can reuse the paper without concern about flaws.

In essence, hot foil stamping should not influence an item’s capacity to be recycled. This is as long as you can recycle the materials. In addition, it won’t influence composting as long as you can compost the packaging to begin with.

Use environmentally friendly recyclable foils

At Foiling Services, we understand how important it is to offer stellar experiences. At the same time, we know that it is vital to do what we can to protect the environment. In our industry, this comes in the form of using the right foils and applying them with care.

If you have any interest in recyclable foils and want to know more, feel free to speak to us. We can offer them for coffee packaging and much more.