Hotel applications for high pressure laminates

We are a team that possesses a thorough understanding of how laminating services work. This puts us in an excellent position to help any client who is considering using them. When you apply the film correctly, it can provide all sorts of useful benefits. If you make the choice to work with us, you will experience them for yourself.

Laminating servicesThere are many kinds of laminate out there. High pressure laminates (HPL) are among them and are becoming increasingly popular. These specific films aid users in striking a balance between aesthetics, sustainability, and functionality. It is due to this that we see them extensively in commercial locales. One specific area where HPL has substantial use is the hotel industry. It is primarily seen as a surfacing solution and has various applications in hotels. What we will be doing in this post is going over some of its uses.

The reception or waiting area

When you design a hotel reception or a place where visitors have to wait, it is integral to make sure it gives off welcoming and warm vibes. Everyone will appreciate this. One way you can achieve it is by installing decorative laminates. These are ones capable of boosting the area’s aesthetics. They will aid you in creating an excellent first impression.

Laminates are scratch and stain resistant. As a result, it makes sense to employ them as a surfacing solution for the reception area. It makes maintenance and cleaning considerably easier. Your space will always be in its best state as long as you keep up with the maintenance.

Exterior wall facades

Introducing exterior grade compact laminates as wall cladding aids you in enhancing a hotel’s kerb appeal. Something else it does is protect the structure from harsh weather conditions. Examples include extreme rain, wind, cold, and heat. External HPL wall cladding also provides some great distinct properties. They include thermal insulation, fire resistance, anti-graffiti, and scratch resistance. If you need laminating services, please give us a call.

Restaurants and cafeterias

The use of laminates in dining areas helps to produce an ambience. It can ensure guests have a nice experience and entice them to keep coming back. More significantly, HPL’s use as a surfacing solution helps you to preserve the ideal degree of cleanliness in these areas. These laminate sheets possess antimicrobial features. They make them ideal for furniture, walls, and counters. This is because they promote good hygiene and health.


Common washrooms inside a hotel experience heavy traffic constantly. This heightens the chance of someone transmitting disease-causing bacteria and germs. Since this is the case, it is a good idea to install HPL urinals, cubicles, and partitions. These are ones that minimise the danger of growth and transmission of microbes that cause diseases. What’s more, it will help to lower the wear and tear so you don’t need to replace things as often. You can use the laminates in private bathrooms in each room too.

Choose us for laminating services

We began trading in 2005 and have since managed to become a leading authority in the UK in regards to lamination and foiling. These are delicate operations to say the least. A little slip or not correctly placing items or film/foil can cause a big issue. There is no room for error here if we are to give clients the best results. We understand this fact, and so we ensure we get everything right the first time.

As you can no doubt tell, we have a huge amount of knowledge and experience when it comes to the lamination process. We start off by understanding the properties and qualities of the object we are working on. Then we provide the right application of film or foil. That is what makes our laminating services stand out from the rest.

So, if you would like to use our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us.