Foiling and business stationery

We live in a digital world where electronic communication is at the core of almost everything we do. However, physical materials still have a huge role to play. In fact, because they are rarer now they can have a much bigger impact. This is especially likely if you choose the right little design touches. Foiling services can be an excellent option for a huge range of products.

One of the most impressive ways you can use foil is in your business stationery. Think about business cards, letterheads, folders, notepads, and even pencils or pens. You can elevate them all with the right foils. It could be a logo, brand slogan, or even a complex design. Whatever you want, you can do it.

Why is it a good investment?

As we said above, the world today is mostly digital. It is fantastic in a way because so many things are paperless now. The amount of paper saved thanks to the huge reduction in office memos, direct mail, and other things will be huge. But, some still need to go out. When they do, you want them to make the right impression. Foil can do that.

There are internal and external benefits when you choose high quality foiling services for your stationery. We want to take a quick look at some of the best ones here.

Internal benefits

Foiling servicesWhen you have a new employee you want to instantly make a great impression and show them what your business is about. You may not think it, but the quality of the welcome materials and stationery you give them can have a big impact. They will look at you far more favourably if they can see you have gone to the expense to personalise things. So why not give them a folder and stationery with some foil elements? If you have an employee handbook you can also personalise that.

A positive corporate culture can have a fantastic impact on your team. It can make them feel like part of something important and boost morale. Your stationery can be a cornerstone of this. It is also great if they are able to distribute personalised items. They will become an advocate for your brand.

External benefits

Every business wants customers to think of them in the right light. For example, if you are a law firm or medical company you want people to feel comfortable and confident. Or, if you are a tech company you want to look modern and innovative. Foiling services can achieve the impact you want, you just have to choose the right design.

Your business stationery is also really important for networking. Emails, calls, and Zoom meetings may be the most common way to engage with people today, but some traditional methods still hold a lot of weight. Business cards are particularly great, especially if they have a unique design and foil elements to make them stand out. They are easy to hand to people whenever you meet them and can be a great reminder of who you are and what you offer.

In a similar vein, your stationery will make you more memorable to anyone that receives something from you. It could be a letterhead with your logo in foil or a seal. This will instantly jump out and make you look more professional. The reader will be more likely to take notice and respond favourably.

Talk to us about foiling services

As you can tell from our name, we know all about the advantages of foil. We chose to specialise in it because of them and the amount of value they can offer to businesses. You can invest with us and get an array of high quality materials that will make a real impression.

So, why not ask us today about foiling services? We can give you lots of info about how you can and should use foil, whether it is for business stationery or other items.