Foil magnesium dies aren’t the same as other dies

Foiling services have great potential in regards to improving the appearance of different products. It is for this reason why people use them so frequently. To gain the best possible results though, you need to work with a professional team. Using advanced techniques and equipment, we can provide your goods with everything they need to shine.

With die-cutting and stamping, efficiency, precision, and material quality are integral. Of all the available options, hot foil magnesium dies stand out. They possess a distinct blend of performance and positive attributes. We want to talk about what makes these dies the go-to choice for people. We’ll look at their specific advantages and also compare them to other designs.

What are hot foil magnesium dies?

Foiling servicesThese dies are created using a first rate magnesium alloy. This is one that’s famous for its lightweight nature as well as great thermal conductivity. Such dies are perfect for the hot foil stamping procedure. Here, heat and pressure move pre-dried ink or metallic foil onto a substrate. The result is a detailed embossing effect that provides elegance to an item.

The process starts with engraving or etching the design into your magnesium die. This then gets heated, and pressed onto the substrate and foil. Such a method is especially popular for those projects needing high calibre finishes and fine details. Contact us if you need top tier foiling services.

Now that we know more about how these dies get used, let’s compare them to other die materials.

Steel dies

These dies are revered for their longevity and durability. You can use them for long-run endeavours. Yet, they fall short with rapid heat transfer. Magnesium ones excel here. The quicker cool-down and heat-up times minimise stamping cycle times. As a result it is more efficient for shorter runs. Moreover, magnesium dies are more cost efficient for small to medium batches. This is thanks to smaller production costs.

Brass dies

Similar to magnesium, this material has great thermal conductivity. The downside is that costs are higher. However, brass dies achieve fine detail in high-volume runs. Magnesium dies provide a more economical solution for projects needing swift turnaround times and precise detail, but for less extensive usage.

Silicone rubber dies

Next we have an option with unrivalled flexibility, making them viable for uneven exteriors. Although, they don’t come with the precision and heat tolerance that magnesium models have. This restricts their use to particular applications. These are ones where less detailed, softer impressions are acceptable.

Photopolymer dies

Lastly, we have an option favoured for the versatility and eco-friendly composition. They are a cost efficient option for many applications. Despite this, their durability and heat resistance don’t match what’s found with magnums dies. For projects needing intricate details and high temperature applications, the metal dies are the way to go.

We do foiling services correctly

At Foiling Services, we make certain that our team carries out all work effectively. If done wrong, it can have the opposite effect of what you are aiming to achieve. We understand the complex nature of the process and therefore ensure we do things the right way.

So, if you need our foiling services, please let us know. We can choose the right method, including suitable dies if necessary.