Creating memorable print media

Foiling services are now incredibly popular because of the benefits they provide to different items. The way they enhance the appearance is outstanding. If you compare to standard ink, the metallic foil is also appropriate for a far greater number of surfaces. To acquire these advantages though, you need to work with the best provider. That would be us.

Making print media memorable is one thing you need to carefully think about. Ask where you attract your customers and what sort of marketing you are focusing on right now. If digital media is what you are thinking of, this isn’t necessarily a wrong answer. However, something will be missing.

Tradition still has a place

Foiling servicesIn a digital world, there is still room for traditional physical media. Many customers out there crave tangible materials in writing. The reason is that they are able to create trust between a consumer and the organisation.

You should provide your audiences with something they can touch, relate to, and engage with. By doing so, you are placing yourself at the forefront of their minds. Thus, you are going to be thought of when someone must make purchasing decisions. Now that we have done the convincing, let’s discuss getting your print items to stand out.

Print design and texture

This is the most entertaining part of the process. One detail that people commonly overlook with print is the creativity you can showcase with the materials. Don’t hesitate to use folds, finishes, and textures when producing media. Foil design is an art that is not lost in the world. When you provide the audience with something unique from other forms of print marketing, they are going to remember you. It is really that simple. That is why you should think of foiling services.


It is not enough for you to simply start pushing out marketing collateral or print adverts. You must first have a strategy in place. One significant piece of your printing strategy is where you position your materials. Get it right here and you can connect seamlessly with your audience.

When considering placement, put yourself in the audience’s shoes. Think about who they are and what motivations they have. Consider whether they would rather pick up a brochure from their local coffee shop or are more likely to look at a print promotion that appears through the letterbox. Everyone has their own motivating factors with their purchasing decisions. Take some time to understand these and audience habits to produce materials.

We will rise to the challenge with our foiling services

We have worked in the foil and laminate industry for more than a decade. Our team offers world class results for extremely competitive prices. Not to mention, we have access to so many materials that we can go beyond normal shades of silver and gold. No matter what pattern or shade we are working with, we will give you a wonderful finish.

So, if you would like to use our foiling services, please give us a call. You can ask us for design tips, quotes, and much more.