Adding foil to pet tags

We’ve said time and again that foil is great for a massive range of uses. Today we want to have a look at using it on pet tags. You can achieve great things here, especially when you choose expert foiling services.

Pet lovers

Foiling servicesThe UK is full of pet lovers. According to the World Animal Foundation, 34% of households have a dog. This translates to over 10 million homes. Cat lovers account for 28% of households, or 8.2 million. Then, around 11% have cats and dogs. In total, this means there are over 25 million of the pets in the UK.

People want the best for their pets, but many sadly don’t see all the benefits of pet tags. Some wrongly think they don’t need them because their cats or dogs don’t leave the house. Others think microchipping is enough. However, it is a good idea to get personal ID tags too.

For one thing, there is always a chance that pets can get lost or escape. This could happen when you take a dog for a walk or forget to close a door before a cat can make a break for it. Found Animals claim one in every three pets will get lost at one point in their life. Sadly, 90% don’t find a way home because there is no ID tag.

Secondly, pets with a collar and ID tag are more likely to receive help. Some people are nervous about even approaching cats and dogs that look like they are strays. However, most will be quick to help an animal they can identify as someone’s pet.

A good ID tag can also speed up your reunion with a lost pet. All you need to do is include the essential details such as your address. That way whoever finds them can quickly work out where they need to take them. It can save a trip to a vet to check the microchip. It also removes the risk that the info on the chip is out of date.

Stunning pet tags

As an added benefit, you can also get creative with the pet tags so they are personal and great to look at. Foiling services can help here. You can do more with foil than you can with traditional engraving. As a result, you can choose logos, graphics, and much more. You can still do text too.

One of the best things about foiling is it is cost effective, even if you choose bespoke things. What you can do here is start with a resin tag. You can then add different foils to get the look you want. It can be cheaper than choosing solid metal and engraving. Plus, the tag itself can be lighter.

Do you want to try foiling services?

Whatever you choose to create, from pet tags to business cards and POS materials, foil is a great choice. It is cost effective and gives you lots of creative freedom. The right foils are also good for the environment, with a much smaller carbon footprint than other decorating methods.

So, if you want to look at options for foiling services, feel free to speak to us. We work hard to be a market leader and can deliver creative solutions.