A quick look at flat lamination

A surprising number of construction products and furnishings rely on lamination. It allows the creation of a wide array of things, from doors to furniture components, as well as ceiling and wall panels. As one of the UK’s leading providers of laminating services, we want to have a closer look at a technique to make panels and boards for these products.

How does it work?

Laminating servicesThe process we want to look at is known as flat lamination. The name says it all really. It is a method that applies laminate to materials as they lay flat. Rollers guide the material through the laminator, making it easier to apply a film to a board or panel.

This kind of method is fantastic because it can be incredibly efficient. You can add laminate to boards or panels quickly, producing large batches in very little time. It is also flexible, allowing the application of a huge array of different films to various substrates.

There are a few challenges here though. A major one is choosing the right option for applying adhesive. It can also be harder to provide laminating services for high gloss and super matte films.

Two options

The traditional way to apply the adhesive with flat lamination is roller application. The laminator can feature a rotating roller that can spread glue over the surface of a panel or board. Most manufacturers will choose a PUR adhesive (Polyurethane Reactive ). It is very flexible and delivers strong bonds. Most importantly, it can withstand a range of climates. In addition, it is solvent free and environmentally friendly.

The alternative is to use slot nozzle application. Instead of a roller, this process directs melted adhesive through a series of tubes. It releases directly onto the panel or board via a series of nozzles. The most cutting edge systems have features that automatically direct each nozzle to make sure there is full coverage.

Both techniques have some benefits and potential drawbacks. Roller application is easy, simple, and cost effective. However, there can be high cleaning costs and you need to be careful to get full coverage. Nozzle application is the modern technique and can apply adhesive evenly very quickly. However, it is more costly. There is also a higher need to maintain the equipment, particularly nozzles because they can suffer from clogging.

Do you need expert laminating services?

The best thing to do with flat lamination is to ensure you choose a proper service. Keep in mind that many of these products need to be aesthetically pleasing. Nobody is going to buy kitchen cupboard doors or wall panels with creases or bubbles. So, manufacturers must ensure they apply them properly.

We are proud to be one of the UK’s leading lamination specialists. Our goal is to deliver the best services for every client, whether they want POS products, panelling, or anything else. We have high standards and always use the best resources.

So, if you need laminating services, contact us to discuss your needs. We’ll be happy to advise and find the right solution for you.