Should you choose digital foiling for brochures?

Brochures are arguably the best printed marketing materials in existence. They are a wonderful way to showcase your products or services. The right design can generate a lot of interest and result in more sales. However, you need to make them stand out. Digital foiling or foil stamping could be the perfect option. You can even choose sustainable foils to make the decoration gentler on the environment.

Two methods

Classic foil stamping consists of you applying metallic foil to cards or paper with heated die plates. The foil elements are left debossed and textured. It can produce a really great look for text, logos, graphics, and more.

As for digital printing, it does not need plates. Rather, you print straight from a computer using an image file. There are zero set-up costs. The process ensures the foil gets permanently stuck to your design to generate a shiny metallic effect.

Why is digital printing a good option?

Sustainable foilsRight away you’ll be able to see that this technique has some advantages over the classic method. For starters, starting up is cheaper and does not take as much time. Both of these benefits arise because you can print quickly with no need to create any tooling.

Printing also gives you more options from a design and personalisation perspective. As we said, you create the initial design on a computer. You can do a lot more here thanks to modern software. It is also easier to personalise the designs. You just need to make little changes to the digital file. As a result, you can ensure they make a better impression.

If you go with digital printing, it does not limit what else you can do. For example, you choose sustainable foils and then select other elements like varnish to create a different effect. This gives you great flexibility.

Where to use the foil?

Brochures can really benefit from foiling because the size gives you more options. With smaller materials like flyers and business cards you can only use a little foil. However, you can use a lot more on a brochure. This can include large patterns and graphics.

There are a number of spots where you can get excellent results with foil. For example, any call to action can benefit. You can use it on contact details and social media icons. If you include a map with directions for how to find you, a bit of foil can make it stand out.

You do need to be careful here though. If you go overboard it can lessen the impact. So, you should never foil every part of the design. Think of it as an embellishment for the most important highlights.

Some drawbacks

Using sustainable foils is a great idea. As you’ve read, digital printing can be very good too. But, there are a few drawbacks to note. For one thing, it won’t look great on all paper stocks. If you use a low quality one, the foil won’t enhance it and can actually look poor.

The cost can become an issue in some situations too. While the low set up cost is a big advantage, it won’t always be the cheapest method. This is most likely when you need to print commercial volumes of brochures.

The most crucial thing to keep in mind here is digital foiling can be an excellent choice at times. However, there are others where the traditional foil stamping method is best. That is why it is still very popular.

Talk to us about sustainable foils

If you do like the idea of using foil for brochures or other materials, we always encourage you to think about sustainability. The right foils have very little impact on the environment. Manufacturers take care to minimise the carbon footprint. Plus, there is no negative impact on recyclability. As long as you can recycle the original stock, you can still do so after applying foil.

So, if you want to use sustainable foils, speak to us. We have wonderful materials from market leaders like KURZ.