Supporting the use of composites and foil

If you are looking at different products today, you’ll probably see some that feature one form of composite or another. Let’s take cars as an example. In the past, the parts would generally be solid metal. However, you can now find more and more vehicles featuring carbon fibre and other composites. Some even use sustainable foils to give the look of metal. We want to explore why it is such a great idea to choose composite and foil for them.


Sustainable foilsThe heavier a vehicle is, the more fuel it will consume. As a result, for a long time we’ve seen manufacturers exploring different ways to reduce weight, improve fuel economy, and reduce emissions. Composites are an exceptional choice here. Carbon fibre can be as much as five times lighter than steel. It can also be half the density of aluminium. As a result, if you swap metal parts for composites, you can save a huge amount of weight and use fuel more efficiently.

Electric vehicles are a great example here. They tend to feature far fewer solid metal parts than internal combustion engine vehicles. This keeps the weight down and means less pressure on the batteries. It can massively improve their range and performance.


Another concern with cars is the risk of corrosion. They have to deal with a lot of harsh elements, including rain, salt, UV, and more. They can cause trouble for various parts, especially any made of materials that don’t have good resistance. Many older cars and larger vehicles have problems because steel parts corrode and cause structure or safety and performance problems.

Composites don’t have concerns about corrosion. They can withstand all kinds of elements without corroding. Even if you choose sustainable foils, you won’t have concerns. They are typically thin aluminium so there is good corrosion resistance. Plus, they can feature a film for even more protection.


Composites can also be a really great choice when you consider strength. Carbon fibre is incredibly strong because of the structure. It is stronger than steel and aluminium. As a result, it can improve safety.


One area that causes some concern is recycling. Solid metal parts are generally recyclable. Aluminium for example is a resource you can recycle over and over with no loss of performance. However, some question if you can do the same with composites. Some sadly you can’t because it is impossible to separate the different materials. Luckily, carbon fibre is recyclable.

Do you want to use sustainable foils?

Aesthetics and performance are everything with vehicles. Increasingly, composites are the best choice for different parts. They can be lighter, stronger, and very sustainable. You can also choose foil to ensure they look just like real metal. We’re likely to see them used more often in the future as we make the move to EVs.

If you are thinking about automotive parts or other uses for composites, you may want to consider sustainable foils too. You can contact us for details about them. We supply products from some of the best manufacturers in the world. They look great but are gentle on the environment.