Insider tips on how to maximise foil use

Stand-out designs can go a long way, whether it is packaging, product tags, promo materials, business cards, or even invitations. One of the most impressive things you can do is choose foiling services. Adding foil can elevate items in many beautiful ways. We’ve been working with the foils for a long time now, so we want to share some of our insider tips on how you can maximise foil use. Read on to learn more.

Where to place it?

The first thing anybody considering foil should do is think about placement. You should be strategic here so you can make the best impression. It may be worth considering a less is more approach, using foils to highlight key details like the logo, brand name, graphics, or part of the design you really want to pop, such as a border.


Foiling servicesNext you should take a close look at the colour options. You can choose colours to suit any kind of mood or the specific message. For example, there are classic options like gold and silver if you want to add a sense of prestige. Or, you can choose different things like metallic red, blue or green to match your brand colours. There are even special options like pearlescent if you want a wonderful effect.


The colour of foil isn’t the only thing you need to think carefully about. You should also look at the colour of the material you are using and other elements like ink. If you want to make a strong impression with your design, you need contrast. It can make parts of the design more visible and attractive.

The materials

As well as the colour of the material, you also need to think about the actual quality and properties of the card or paper stock you are printing on. Look at the texture and finish in particular. You want to ensure the foil will adhere properly and look great, not risking any potential issues.

Invest in the execution

One of the most important insider tips we can give is to always ensure you get a great execution for the foil. This is the best way to maximise the look and impact. While it can be a DIY task, especially for creative people, investing in professional foiling services is a really good idea. This way you can ensure the best results. Experts like us will choose the perfect combination of heat and pressure for the foiling.

Think about the experience

A lot of people look at foiling purely from an aesthetic point of view. While that is the main focus, the tactile experience is also important. If you can make products like packaging, tags, cards, invites etc feel memorable, you can get great results. In fact, people are even more likely to respond and remember it.

Brand positioning

It is also a really good idea to think about how you want to position your brand in the marketplace. Are you aiming to be a prestige brand? If so, the right foil can help you achieve your goals. If you are an eco brand, you can still use foils but will probably want to look at recyclable and sustainable products.

Ask us about foiling services

We hope the tips above give you a better appreciation of how good foil can be. If you think about each of them and plan your design, you can make a fantastic impact on your target audience. This could be potential customers, employers, or even friends and family if you are planning things like wedding invitations.

If you do like the idea, you can speak to us to discuss foiling services. We’re always happy to share our knowledge and experience, especially for new creative uses for foil. We’ll help you get the most amazing results.