Foil wrapping is a great option for vehicles

Vehicles have to put up with a lot of wear and tear, even if you drive carefully. In time they can suffer from all kinds of issues, including scratches and scrapes, dents, and fading paint. Foil wrapping can be a really interesting option if you want to protect the vehicle. It can also be a more eco-friendly choice if you choose sustainable foils. Let’s take a closer look.

More protection

The great thing about foil wrap is it will protect the paintwork and bodywork underneath. It can withstand a lot of punishment, including different types of weather, stones flying up off the road, and other daily wear.

More choice

Another massive benefit of foil wrap is the amount of choice. The range of foils is incredible, with different colours, finishes, patterns, and more. You can do far more with it than you can with paint.

Eco friendly

Finally, wrapping is a great choice if you want to be kinder to the environment. There are plenty of great sustainable foils that you can recycle entirely. This can even include the PET carriers.

When to consider it?

Sustainable foilsThere are a number of situations when wrapping is a really good idea.

One of the most interesting uses is commercial vans. They can have a harder time than other vehicles on the roads. As a result, problems are more likely. In many cases these vehicles feature more steel pieces of bodywork. As a result, any damage to the paintwork can lead to rust. If that happens, it can have serious repercussions.

Adding a foil wrap can be fantastic here. It will protect against damage and reduce the risk of rust developing. This can keep vehicles on the road for longer and reduce repair costs. In addition, you can use wrapping to advertise a business effectively.

Another interesting use is when you lease a vehicle. There will be a point in the future here where you need to return it. You can incur several penalties if there is damage. Adding a wrap can protect the vehicle for a long time. You can then remove it before the lease ends to return it in a fresh condition.

Finally, you should consider wrapping for the front of the vehicle if you spend a lot of time driving where there are lots of small stones. It can offer impressive protection against the scratches they can cause.

One key consideration

There is a crucial thing to think about if you are going to wrap a vehicle. The foils, even the highest quality sustainable foils, aren’t completely immune to damage. They are particularly susceptible if you clean them incorrectly. You should never take a wrapped vehicle through a car wash. It can damage it and the adhesive holding it to the vehicle.

The best thing to do is wash vehicles that have wraps carefully by hand. Don’t use any strong cleaning products and always choose soft clothes or sponges. Only use a small amount of water and then ensure you dry the vehicle carefully afterwards.

Do you want to order sustainable foils?

We are one of the UK’s leading providers of foiling. As a result, you can come to us for fantastic foils and wonderful services. We’ll help you get the absolute most for your money every time.

So, contact us today if you want to learn more about sustainable foils or have a plan for using them. We can cater for a massive selection of applications, including materials for various vehicle parts.