Think carefully about wrapping paper

Christmas season is already here for many of us. Adverts are starting to pop up from supermarkets to get people interested in their seasonal products. Some channels are already showing Christmas movies, and there are even some at cinemas. Whether you want to get an early start or grumpily say it is too soon for all of that, we want to have a look at wrapping paper and how you can be more sustainable when you choose it. Then, if you want to learn about foiling services, you can speak to us. Continue reading

Essential facts about laminated printing

Many kinds of print projects have a durable laminate introduced as a final step. Utilising a strong plastic film, laminates safeguard the ink and paper from tears, scuffs, moisture, and dirt. Besides offering resilience and improving longevity, they can also enhance the sheen, rigidity, and texture of print. All of this together is why laminating services are so popular. Continue reading

The truth about ‘gold foil’ on satellites

Have you ever thought about why satellites seem to be covered in silver or gold foil? We have the answer you’re looking for. It may appear as if they have a covering of precious metal. In actual fact, it’s usually not gold, or even foil for that matter. What we have here is multi-layer insulation or MLI for short. Let’s have a closer look at it below. Then, if you need reliable foiling services, you can trust us. Continue reading

Designing packaging for recyclability

The big picture in packaging at the moment is brands need to prioritise recyclability. Some consumers will actively avoid products today if they have to throw the packaging in the bin rather than recycling it. So, it is important for businesses to think carefully about what you are using. It may be better to rethink your products, exploring alternatives. Things like laminating services can help here. Continue reading

What foils are available for foil accent business cards?

Foil accent business cards are a fantastic product that makes use of metallic foils. The embellishments add a level of sophistication and elegance to the design. Such cards stand out easily thanks to their reflective, shiny, and eye-catching aesthetic. There is a lot to them as well, which we will talk about below. Then, if you need foiling services, you can rely on us. Continue reading

Laminate flooring misconceptions debunked

One laminate product that has become increasingly popular among homeowners is flooring. This is thanks to its ease of installation, affordability, and the sheer number of styles and designs available. Although, misconceptions about laminate floors have led to some questioning its suitability. We want to debunk some of these misconceptions to give you a better insight into the floors. Then, if you want laminating services, you can speak to us. Continue reading