The environmental impacts of laminates and coatings

Laminates and coatings are popular finishing options. They work to improve the appearance and durability of printed materials. If you are looking to print sustainably though, you need to think about the environmental impact they have. There are three kinds of coatings and laminates we want to look at here. They are aqueous coating, UV coating, and laminate film. We are going to discuss the environmental impacts each one has. Then, if you want expert laminating services, you can rely on us.

Laminate coating

Laminating servicesClassic laminate is a thin plastic film you apply to various materials. The purpose is to protect them from moisture, scratches, and other kinds of damage. Producing laminate film tends to involve the use of petrochemicals and harmful substances. These can have negative environmental impacts. As it is typically PET, laminate film isn’t biodegradable. It can take hundreds of years for it to break down naturally in landfill. This can contribute to plastic pollution in oceans and similar natural settings. Also, once you laminate a printed piece, you often can’t recycle it.

Fortunately, new biodegradable laminate options exist today. They are made from polylactic acid, cellulose, and special compound plastics. These also possess additives that break down chemicals within the plastic. There are even laminates you can add to compost and others that are recyclable because they are really thin. So, if caring for the environment is important to you, choose suitable laminates.

It’s generally best not to employ laminate for most standard direct mail, like postcards. Although, if you are printing an object for long term use, such as a restaurant menu, laminate is still the best choice. The extra durability means you’ll have no need to reprint the material for a long time. This results in you using less energy, ink, and paper overall.

In addition, you can opt to laminate recycled material. If you do, you will keep the paper fibres in circulation longer. It can save resources. If you need reliable laminating services, speak to us.

UV Coating

This is a coating you apply to print materials using ultraviolet light. It cures and produces a glossy finish. Like laminates, UV coating defends printed materials, and improves the design’s colour and vibrancy. Most UV coatings are VOC and plastic-free. But, some release harmful chemicals into the air during the curing procedure. It is vital to ensure that your UV coating is VOC-free. Such chemicals harm human health and can contribute to air pollution.

A positive here is you can recycle materials with UV coatings. Despite this, they are slower to biodegrade than uncoated substances or ones using water-based coatings.

Aqueous coating

Finally, we have water-based coatings you apply to printed materials. This method is frequently considered the most environmentally friendly finishing practice. It is a biodegradable, repulpable, and recyclable option. You apply aqueous coatings in-line on an offset press and they don’t release harmful chemicals during curing.

Even though it is often the most eco-friendly option, aqueous coating has its limits. For instance, it doesn’t dry as hard as laminate or UV coating. There is a lot of flexibility, which permits folding without cracking. But, it doesn’t quite offer the same degree of durability and protection.

How to choose?

When considering coatings and laminates, start by asking yourself if you need them. If you require the extra durability of a coating or laminate, use eco-friendly options when possible. This includes water-based coatings and biodegradable laminates. By opting for environmentally friendly options and recycling materials where you can, you will lower your environmental impact.

We’re up to the task of laminating services

At Foiling Services, we understand how delicate a process lamination is. A misstep can cause terrible results with bubbles, creases, and other flaws. Luckily, we go above and beyond to ensure there are no issues. Our team works to keep your items in top condition and deliver the protection they need.

So, if you want to try our laminating services, please let us know. We are one of the best providers in the country because we can add laminate to a huge array of materials.